Now don't get as excited as I did when I saw this headline, David and Victoria Beckham will be appearing on the show with other stars, in what I believe will be a pre-recorded message for Tom Cruise's second of his two part special on Oprah today in the US.
Oprah's official website says:
"Last Friday you saw Oprah and Tom from his home in Telluride, Colorado. Now Tom is celebrating his 25 years in films since Risky Business. Don't Miss the All Star Line up including Will Smith and Jada Pinket Smith, Dustin Hoffman, Renee Zellweger, Steven Spielberg, David and Victoria Beckham, Dakota Fanning and Jamie Fox."
Hopefully I will find it somewhere to post later.
On another note, I was blown away with your comments both on my blog and via email. Some so sweet that I was welling up with tears. I really did not know what an impact my little blog has on you guys.
Like many of you said, "What would Victoria do?"
Ignore the haters, keep her head up and keep on typing, so I will.
Thanks xxxxx
Daily I...get up, have breakfast, and check this blog.
I didn't know the Oprah news yet. Oddly, the commercial just came on. It very much makes it sound like they will be there on the show, however being an anti Oprah person I think you are right with the taped message.
Regardless I think she show airs at 4:00 pm here at the earliest for me. So I'll be watching!
That's exciting! I'd love them to do a proper interview on Oprah one day!
i have never seen your other blog, can you put the adress please?
You´re absolutly correct.. Ehat would Victoria Do, without you!
Thank you for everthing specialy for staying here, online for all of us!
thank you for continuing :)
Boo, who cares about Tom Cruise. Oprah should just do the hour-long show about V&D. Tom has done some good movies but now he seems really creepy =S.
It's kind of funny that u live in the UK and you find out about things that are going on in American shows before anybody else here in the US lol.
Thanks Fashion Critic.
great news as i cat get enough of all things beckham...thought you might like to know mel b will be appearing on dancing with the stars this week (tuesday-i think)
...Ranee said she gets up, has breakfast and checks this blog...I think every single reader who really appreciates this blog does the same thing everyday. You [F.C]made is addicted to this blog, some times in the middle of the night I want to get up and check it out =S Creepy, I know. lol.
Anyways, Thanks for all ur hard work.
Thanks FC.. We love you site...Well done for continuingxxx
I'm a french girl, I live in Paris and I love this blog !!!! Thank you for continuing!
I'm so happy!!!!!!
Oh I wish my comment had gone through last night, but apparentely I had the wrong account name. I'm so glad you're keeping the blog!!
It is nice to get the news from the Victoria and David without all the negativity from other sites.
FC, you do a wonderful job and I'm addicted to your site since I found it a couple of months ago after the Spice Girls concert here in DC. I like your banner and I do notice that you change the pics from time to time and I think you do a great job with it. It is like a summary of whatever is going on with the Beckhams.
Thank you so much for the time and effort you put to keep this blog up to date for all the fans.
I check it at least twice a day, but religiously every night before bed and first thing as soon as I wake up, followed by breakfast. LOL
thank you so much for continuing! <333
Whenever i get to go on the computer this has to be one of the first things i look up, so glad u are continuing, we lv u and your blog tons, so thank you v much! Ob people do not have a life and need to go get one, they're not worth ur time. Thanxs again! x
i LOVE your blog. i would be so upset if you stopped writing! it's my favourite site and i check it twice or three times daily. your site is the BEST source for all the beckham fans as its updated daily. we LOVE you FC!!!
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