Victoria Beckham on Tom: "One of our first dates, we went to the movies to see Jerry Maguire, and I wore glasses . . .It was first time David kissed me, and he completely steamed up my glasses.
When we got to know Tom, we told him the story of how it was one of our first dates, and he sent us the jacket that he wore in one of the scenes, and he signed it . . . And David hasn't taken the jacket off since. I make him wear it."
Video will follow if I find it.
Did any of you see it?
It is on in a little less than 3 hours near me. I'll let you know how it is when I see it!
oh my gosh those two are sooo ADORABLE! theyre like a fairy tale.
its on in half an hour for me, i'll look out for them ;) victoria looks amazing in the pics.
i saw itt !!
it was a brief recorded clip.
they are jus too cute together
awww, god it must be so weird to be them, being so normal and then becoming A list and be friends with American movie stars, such a sweet story lol
just saw it two minutes ago it was cute about 4-5 mins they both look good. victoria was relax and smiling. david was just sexy as usual.
Just saw it, very cute. They did the conga at the la liga celebrations lol.
Yeah Oprah is on in two more hours. And David has worn that shirt before right?
I watched them on Oprah and VB talked alot! They were absolutely adorable, as always!
o man i missed it!!!!fc pls post it asap im deing to see them together!!and thank u for continuing this wonderful blog!!!xxxxxx
I'm also likeing Victoria's new hair, the way she has it back now.
i am lovin her hair too!
aw they're so great together! I love them so much! I like when David says he has to get one of them pilot jackets haha.
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