But I must say I was very surprised when I saw these photos of David and Victoria Beckham leaving Nobu restaurant after having dinner their with family in London on Saturday night.
The reason I am surprised is because of the choice of restaurant?
Both Nobu restaurants have paparazzi camped outside, I know because I have been to both of them.
I know Ted is now better, but could they have not dined elsewhere?
Just asking. (I know you guys will slaughter me for this, and call me a hypocrite)
Victoria looks very tired the poor girl.
You can read an article in the News Of The World in which it explains David's guilt over his dad.

I don't think so, they left via the back exit, when usually at Nobu you walk out and get papd' - this way they left discreetly. I could see your point if they were walking out through the front like usual.
I am not a fan of publishing anonymous post as it feels impersonal, but I wanted to respond. Front...back it does not matter the paparazzi are all over that place. And the fact the the Beckham's were there meant they had both angles covered.
Victoria looks really tired
but she is supporting David and i think that is really good
i sorta agree with u but they went out the back
and mabe they like the food their
Actually i was wondering if their choice of dinner venue has anything to do with the kind of service they get inside ie no autograph hunters/ ecxited fans to impose themselves and discreet staff? The paps are outside after all.
vic looks horrible!!!!.david looks too hot it BURNS!!!(as usual)
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