As I had predicted, some people have returned Victoria Beckham's dresses, so Minerve, Gavarnie and Bidart are back on sale on Net-A-Porter's international site.

Update: Net-A-Porter have just added Orthez to the returns.
Unfortunately not in my size.
I keep getting excited then quickly dissapointed LOL I just need the Bidart dress and the Orthez dress to become available in size 8.
actually there are 4. the orthez is also available in a size 6 :)
the otherz strapless dress is all so on sale in a size 6 too small for me booo hoo !!!!!
why would people but only to return it !?!?!
if i had it i would keep it !
I would keep it too, especially if it was too small, I would just lose weight. :)
I also want the Bidart dress in size 8. Sarah, we can make a fight who gets it if it's available.
Well I just checked it's just Minerve and Bidart now. It changes quite quickly.
Im so excited I feel like I might just burst. Well hopefully not before my new Victoria Beckham designed dress arrives!!!!! I was taking another look at net-a-porter just for fun when I saw that the Bidart dress was available in size 8.This was my favourite dress from thw whole collection so I proceeded to jump up and down and scream before taking a second look to make sure it wasnt my eyes playing tricks on me. I had to think about it for just a second but I quickly came to the conclusion that I couldnt say no. I bought I Victoria Beckham designed dress and it sounds amazing writting those words YAY!!!!! I really hope it fits but even if it doesnt there is no way Im sending it back.
CONGRATS Sarah. I am so happy for you.
Let me know how you get on when you receive it.
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