OK, I just found these pictures, and if this does not prove my point nothing will.
The group would not have been aware that the paparazzi were talking pictures of them inside the circus.
Look at how far part they are.
Those who said that they would have been more friendly away from the paparazzi, I say Nooooo.
They just are not friends, and they don't have to be, and it is OK if they are not.

Source & Source
lol with that logic, look how far apart Brooklyn is from Vic, she must not be friendly with him much either. And David with Tom too.
No one's saying they're best friends or particularly close doesn't mean they don't get on. Don't remember Vic saying they were close, just that she was very helpful when they moved.
You are right FC, I remember when Eva and Victoria went to one of david's game, they sat close together and chatted all the way. Honestly, I think its better, Victoria is too fierce to be friends with her. Katie, no matter how many big ass Hermes bag she carries, will always be that girl from dawson's Creek
I think the pics prove that they're sitting with their families. This whole thing is created by the tabloids, 2 celebs are seen together a few times and the next thing they write is that they're best friends. When they're not pictured together that equals "Rift" in tabloid land.
you're absolutely right.. if that were me and any of my friends, regardless of how close.. we would be sitting beside each other and definitely chatting away!
ps- how creepy does tom cruise look in the corner blow up? ..maybe its just the photo?
hey...I totally agree with you!!
P.S: take a look at this
honestly i think they were just trying to let the kids sit together. while tom def enjoys the attention, the beckhams are no madonnas (and i am referring directly to madge) so they wouldnt be seen with people just to be seen with people
also with it being thanksgiving even though they are english i think if they really didnt like tomkat they would have stayed in la with their "real" friends
i mean no doubt they arent as close but its only because tom and katie are living out of new york, so just like when the beckhams lived in madrid they dont get to see one another as much
I post this because people were saying that they were not talking to each other because they were in view of the paparazzi. This proves that even when the paparazzi aren't around they were still not buddying up.
Blogs allow the writer to express their opinions which is what I am doing.
None of you have to agree with me.
I just feel that because you have no pictures of them not talking doesnt mean they never do, thats just stupid spending time with another family who you supposedly dont get on with, this is Victoria Beckham we're talking about here, why would she put up with/spend time with Katie if she didnt like her!
well, I do agree with u.
if i am with a friend, i wouldnt care about the paps being around all the time because i would have got used to it by then. Moreover, the kids arent sat together so their plan failed hahaha.
I think it was just Tom and David wanting to take their kids out and of course the ladies had to go.
DVB you an I must be fairly similar personalities in many ways, as I almost always agree with things you say. Sometimes stuff people posts get to you and you have a right go at them! (which I love cos I'd do that too, sound off) then once stupid people get put in their place your fine again! Keep on being yourself girl! Its your site! Wouldn't life be dull if everyone was the same?
By the way @ Heather, I think Tom is creepy too. So him and Katie are well suited cos she is odd as well!
Thanks Janie. You rock girl.
And you are so right. Life would be so boring if we all agreed on everything all of the time.
The point here, if they are soo miserable in each other's company, why did the Beckhams come to New York? This proves that they are as media hungry as Tom Cruise, it was just important to be seen together for their own fame. Sorry, but there'no way to explain these humiliating and ridiculous outings!
bbperfume, you have such negative things you alway say about Victoria Beckham, yet you are on my site everyday.
I hate Lauren Conrad and I would NEVER go to her fan site, so why do you bother? as I am tired of deleting your silly comments.
Victoria launches her dress collection in New York tomorrow, that is why they are in New York.
i kind of have to agree...some celeb scream for attention and the beckhams are number one on that list. what saves them is that they are classy and look good.
The Beckhams DO NOT scream for attention. They don't have a choice ! Der! The Cruises however DO need to boost their popularity and as David and Victoria are both fans of Tom , they naturally put up with it (and his miserable wife). They are doing the Cruises a favour , whether they realise it or not.
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